Please Support My Race Against Melanoma...In Loving Memory of Brad Pinney

On April 19th, 2010, I will be running the Boston Marathon, in honor of a very special man and his family. In September 2008, Brad Pinney passed away at age 58, after a couragous six-month battle with Melanoma. Brad was an amazing man, a stong father and loyal neighbor, who spent countless hours giving back to his community. Together, we can give back in his honor and fight the battle against Melanoma.

My goal is to raise a minimum of $5,000 for the Melanoma Foundation of New England. With your support, we can help other families detect, prevent and cope with Melanoma.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Boston Marathon Training: Mardi Gras and Mountain Views

Here's one awesome thing about running: you can do it anywhere. So I had no promblemo accepting the invite for our annual ladies weekend at Tara's new house in Williston, Vermont! Williston is about 15 minutes from Burlington (which happens to be the healthiest city in the country and one of my favorite places, ever!)..Did I also mention it just so happened to be Mardi Gras weekend in Burlington? Oh, the beauty of marathon training ANYWHERE =)

The ladies started the weekend off with some serious Mimosa's on Saturday morning. And yes, I had one! I am not a big drinker anymore, and tend to take it down during my marathon training, but, one was fine! Especially considering I wouldn't be running 12 miles until Sunday...

One mimosa later, we headed to the Mardis Gras parade dressed in our yellow, green and purple feathered garb. Our favorite float? The Where's Waldo crew. You may not have been able to find Waldo, but you could certainly recognize our crazy crew!

At night, we hit Nectar's, where I enjoyed one Vodka Soda for BP, and then retired to water. Twelve miles never feels good with a hangover!

That's why it was easy to wake up bright and early Sunday morning to run. This week was a lower mileage week, to prep for my 15 miler next week. On this fine day, the sun was shining, the weather was 40 degrees and I had my route all picked out. Williston has some great bike paths, open roads and amazing homes to look at. I was also lucky enough to climb atleast 3 miles of hills and see some sweet mountain views. And just as I rounded the 10 mile mark, panting up one of the hardest hills I've climbed in a while I saw Mt. Mansfield ahead of me and went to grab my camera for your viewing pleasure.. And right there, my camera died. Oh well, I guess you had to be there =)

And of course, what weekend would be complete without the foam roller?

A big thanks to my girls for an awesome weekend, and a yummy pancake breakfast when I got back from my run!! Couldn't have asked for a better weekend <3

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