Please Support My Race Against Melanoma...In Loving Memory of Brad Pinney

On April 19th, 2010, I will be running the Boston Marathon, in honor of a very special man and his family. In September 2008, Brad Pinney passed away at age 58, after a couragous six-month battle with Melanoma. Brad was an amazing man, a stong father and loyal neighbor, who spent countless hours giving back to his community. Together, we can give back in his honor and fight the battle against Melanoma.

My goal is to raise a minimum of $5,000 for the Melanoma Foundation of New England. With your support, we can help other families detect, prevent and cope with Melanoma.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Pinney's Pubcrawl and Marathon Updates!

It's been a couple of busy weeks with running and fundraising! Last weekend, we raised over $1500 at Pinney's Pubcrawl, I finished my last 20 mile run , and there are only 2 weeks left until the BIG DAY!! Oh, and did I mention, you have helped us successfully raise $15,000 for the Melanoma Foundation of New England?That is AMAZING!!

Last weekend, the pubcrawl was a blast. We had almost 70 guests - friends, family, friends of friends, who drove in from everywhere around New England. The Wilbraham crew represented, our Vermonters came down, the New Hampshire and Connectictut crews came in. We can't thank everyone enough. It really was a great party.
I remember at one point at the end of the night, I looked around at everyone dancing and laughing and thought "Man, there are a lot of people here to support us!" That is what life is all about..right?

A big thank you to Adirondack Screen Printing for printing our t-shirts, Norma S. for making us a sweet logo, all the bars and everyone who donated!

After 5 hours of drinking (ok,ok, I only had 2 Magners =)), I managed to finish my 20 miles on Sunday morning. It was a tough one, but I actually think I was coming down with a little cold, which may have affected me a bit. I ran in 3 hours - putting me at a 9 minute mile. The hardest part was running it by myself, plus a nagging knee pain towards mile 18. That's the thing about Boston, half of the course is downhill - 10 miles of pounding downhill after a 4 mile climb is never good for the joints. But, I've been icing and resting and everything seems fine. Possibly just a mild tendonitis in the knee, but nothing that will prevent me from running on April 19th!

It's crazy to think about the last 4 months - yes, the training can be overwhelming at times, but what has been more motivating is the support. We've had our friends and family come to two events, and I get emails and comments everyday with encouraging words of support. I am not sure I could've done it this year without that.

So now - 3 weeks of taper - pure relaxation. Ok, not TOTAL relaxation. But my mileage drops considerably in the next few weeks, so it certainly feels like that. I am doing an 8 mile long run today in the sunshine. Next week, I'll do some spinning, some short 3 mile runs, and some yoga...ahhh..I LOVE tapering!

With that said, I guess the next time you'll hear from'll be on race day!! Woo hoo!