Please Support My Race Against Melanoma...In Loving Memory of Brad Pinney

On April 19th, 2010, I will be running the Boston Marathon, in honor of a very special man and his family. In September 2008, Brad Pinney passed away at age 58, after a couragous six-month battle with Melanoma. Brad was an amazing man, a stong father and loyal neighbor, who spent countless hours giving back to his community. Together, we can give back in his honor and fight the battle against Melanoma.

My goal is to raise a minimum of $5,000 for the Melanoma Foundation of New England. With your support, we can help other families detect, prevent and cope with Melanoma.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

My Boston Marathon Recap!

It's been three weeks since the marathon, and I know I've been a HUGE slacker in writing this last post!! The marathon was an amazing experience and I loved every second of it. I was so lucky to have such a great support system - my family came up from Jamestown to calm me down before the race and hug me during it...Shaun's family was there for support... and even my clients were on the route with oranges for me.. I couldn't have done it without any of you!

All in all, I finished the marathon in 4:02, averaging about a 9:15 min/mile pace. I was pretty happy with that, given the late training start in February due to my sprained ankle.

So finally, without further adu, here is my race recap:

My awesome family came up to Boston on Friday night, and I took my parents to the race Expo on Saturday to pick up my race pack. My dad is a marathon runner too, so he loved all the free stuff!
Then, the night before the marathon, Shaun's sister Nicole had an awesome BBQ for everyone - including my family. We brought the pasta salad. =) It was great to have both families there to cheer me on!

I got a great nights sleep (right after my parents air matress broke - woops!!) and woke up the next morning refreshed and ready. Shaun took this pic as I was eating my power breakfast at 5 am on Marathon Monday morning. Clearly, I was distracting myself from race day nerves!

At 6 am, I met a Katie and Ally from the Melanoma Foundation Team, and we loaded the buses to Hopkington. I thought I could avoid the "jump off the bus and pee in the woods" issue from the year before, but I couldn't. About halfway there, the buses were stopped in traffic. Perfect time for a pee break!! The bus driver handed me a tissue and we were back on the road in no time.

We were in Hopkington by about 8:45 - which gave us time to do two more porta-potty stops, chill out on our tarp (ie; my shower curtain), apply sunscreen and move to the starting line by 10:15. It seemed like there were more runners than ever this year!!

My teamate Katie and I ran together for the first 12 miles. We were cranking out a 9min. mile pace - enjoying the crowds and the motivational signs. (Our favorite sign: "Remember why you are doing this.".) The crowds in Boston are enough to keep you going for hours. We felt great. My favorite runner's shirt said " There is a stronger person inside".

But around mile 15 I knew my 9 min mile pace was going to be tough to hold. Mile 15 boasts a huge downhill slope into Wellsley that is a killer on the legs. My quads were burning. I felt a little tendonitis in my knee, but I kept going. I knew my family and Shaun's family were only a mile up ahead.

To my suprise, just before mile 16, one of my clients from Healthworks, Ellen B, sprung out of the crowd with a huge bag of bananas and oranges for ME! That was enough to bring tears to my eyes.

Up and over the hill I went, where I spotted Shaun's brother-in-law snapping pictures. He got this one of me:

I hugged my family and heard my dad yelling "GO GO! YOu are running 9 minute miles, don't stop now!!" So I didn't. The hills were next, and seeing my family was the perfect motivation to push it out.

I've never had a problem on Heartbreak Hill. In fact, I really love it. It was the downhill AFTER that killed me this year. You climb 4 miles of hills and the pound downhill for the last 6. Right around mile 23, I felt that twinge in my knee get stronger as I pounded the pavement down the last 3 miles - through BC and into Boston. I knew I had to slow down, or I could get seriously hurt. I took it down to a 9:15 pace, shortened the stride and tried to take it easy.

At mile 25, my endurance felt great. My knee did not. I tried to push it out, but ended up pulling over to the side of the road to rub my knee because I could barely bend it. Through crowds of people, I looked up at the sky and literally asked Brad to help me. I remember thinking, "C'mon, just one more mile - no limping to the finish line!". He must have carried me through, because I pushed through and was able to bend my knee a bit. Right on Hereford, Left on Boylston. I was home.

Crossing the finish line this year felt great. Mostly because I knew Brad helped me through the entire process - through an ankle injury, two great events, and into marathon day. I know was there and a part of it all. And we raised over $15,000 for the Melanoma Foundation. With his help and yours, it all came together.

The relaxing days after the marathon were much needed. We went to dinner, I took two days off from work to relax (ie' massage and icebaths) and then Shaun took me to Cranwell Resort in Lenox for a Spa weekend.

I felt healthier, happier and more accomplished than I had in months. Especially knowing that we have helped so many suffering from Melanoma with our donations! Thank you all again for your support. It was an amazing experience!!

1 comment:

security camera said...

nice to see you finally put a finishing touch to the blog. (i stopped checking after week 2 haha). I had no idea you hurt that much at the end and had to pull over. Pretty epic and beautiful that you asked Brad to help and everything felt better. Congrats once again for rocking it. Looking forward to you doing it again in a few years :)